Sunday, January 28, 2007

Australia Day Brew
Did another amarillo ale on Australia Day.
8kg of Pale, 500g of wheat malt, 200g of crystal for target of 45litres at 1044.
Bittered to about 34ibu with amarillo and flavour and aroma hop additions.
The brew system worked without fault which is great. Currently in the fridge at 17C having belted away with a couple packs on Nottingham yeast.
Should be in a keg on the weekend which is just as well as I emptied the last keg this afternoon in the big fridge move. Next weekend's brew is a Guinish Stout.
Have finally done temporary setup in the big fridge. Some fairly ugly sisalation on the inside of the glass to keep the sun out (still on the back verandah)

and a tap mount inside the middle door with some foam below to minimise the cool air loss.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

The New Fridge
Santa has been especially kind this year and now have a new (2nd hand) fridge - 3 door commercial variety.

A bit OTT at 2m long and 1.9 high but should comfortably allow for the 3x45 litre kegs.

Still not sure where to put it or where to fit the 3 celli taps Santa also bought.

Such problems.