It's been a While...
Have had a few issues which have precluded brewing for a while including a recently diagnosed coeliac partner. O'Brien's Gluten Free Lager is apparently better than nothing but is fairly bland (sweet and low hop) and expensive -$80 a case. I guess I will be rereading Milletman's posts to make my own for the SO.
The Lager ended up pretty average - the slight autolysis went away with lagering but so did the snappy hop flavour and aroma I was after - back to ales for me!
To this end an ale with amarillo hops should go down this weekend. To save a bit of time I am intent on employing the new instantaneous hot water service for preheating the required mash and sparge water. Adelaide tap water tastes OK at the moment without filtering and the HW can be set to 60C which should save a good 40 minutes on heating mash water and another a bit more on the sparge (although sparge water normally heats in parallel with the actual mashing)